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Protect Your Home from Summer Storms | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer in our Michigan community brings warmth, sunshine, and unfortunately, summer storms. These storms can lead to severe damage to your home if you’re not prepared. At SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett, we’re Here to Help® you prevent storm damage and keep your home safe. Here are some essential tips to protect your property this summer.

Assess and Maintain Your Roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against summer storms. Regularly inspect your roof for any signs of wear and tear, such as missing or damaged shingles. Consider scheduling a professional roof inspection before the storm season hits. If your roof is over 20 years old, it might be time to consider a replacement. A well-maintained roof can withstand high winds and heavy rain, preventing leaks and structural damage.

Clean and Secure Your Gutters

Gutters play a crucial role in directing rainwater away from your home. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, leading to foundation damage, basement flooding, and even mold growth. Clean your gutters regularly, especially before and after storms. Ensure that downspouts direct water at least five feet away from your foundation. Consider installing gutter guards to minimize debris buildup.

Trim Trees and Secure Outdoor Items

Strong winds can turn loose branches into projectiles, causing damage to your home and vehicles. Trim trees and shrubs around your property, removing any dead or overhanging branches. Additionally, secure outdoor items like patio furniture, grills, and garden tools. These items can become dangerous in high winds, causing damage to windows, siding, and other parts of your home.

Inspect and Seal Windows and Doors

Check the seals around your windows and doors to ensure they are in good condition. Strong winds and driving rain can exploit even the smallest gaps, leading to water infiltration. Use weather-stripping or caulk to seal any gaps and consider installing storm shutters for added protection. This can prevent water damage and improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Create an Emergency Plan

Preparation is key to minimizing damage during a storm. Create an emergency plan for your family, including a safe room or shelter area in your home. Stock up on emergency supplies like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and batteries. Ensure everyone in your household knows the plan and practice it regularly.

At SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett, we’re dedicated to helping homeowners protect their properties from summer storms. By taking these preventative measures, you can reduce the risk of damage and keep your home safe. If you do experience storm damage, our team is Here to Help® with professional restoration services.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett after a storm leaves your home damaged for fast recovery, day or night.

Easy Ways to Protect Your Home from Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks

Living in East Lansing or Haslett, you’re no stranger to the powerful thunderstorms that roll through our area. While they can be awe-inspiring to watch, they also bring the potential for damage to your home. From high winds to lightning strikes, thunderstorms can wreak havoc if you’re not prepared. But fear not! With a few simple steps, you can safeguard your home and family from the worst that Mother Nature has to offer.

Strengthen Your Roof and Windows

One of the most vulnerable parts of your home during a thunderstorm is the roof. High winds can easily lift shingles or even tear them off entirely, leaving your home susceptible to water damage. To combat this, ensure that your roof is in good condition and take the time to check it after every high wind event. Additionally, installing impact-resistant windows can help protect against flying debris and reduce the risk of breakage.

Homes with fortified roofs and windows are significantly less likely to sustain severe damage during extreme weather events. By investing in these upgrades, you can not only increase your home’s resilience but also potentially lower your insurance premiums.

Maintain Your Trees and Landscaping

While trees can provide shade and beauty to your property, they can also pose a hazard during thunderstorms. Weak or overhanging branches are prone to snapping off in high winds, potentially causing damage to your home or vehicles. Regularly inspect your trees and trim any branches that could pose a threat. Additionally, consider planting native species that are more resistant to strong winds and heavy rain.

Proper tree maintenance can reduce the risk of storm-related damage by up to 60%. By keeping your landscaping in check, you can minimize the likelihood of costly repairs and ensure the safety of your property.

Conclusion: Protect Your Home Today

Don’t wait until the next thunderstorm is on the horizon to take action. By following these easy tips, you can fortify your home against the elements and enjoy greater peace of mind.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to weathering the storm—but storms are still unpredictable. If you do experience damage after a storm, we’ve got your back. With one call you can start recovery fast and get life back to normal.

Visit SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett 247 when you need storm restoration.

Holiday Fire Prevention Tips for a Safe and Happy Season | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

6/15/2024 (Permalink)

Night view of a house with halloween decoration Keep your home fire safe this holiday season with these helpful tips from SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett!

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending quality time with loved ones. However, it's also a time when fire hazards can increase due to festive decorations, cooking, and heating. At SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett, we want to ensure your holidays are safe and memorable for all the right reasons. Here are some essential holiday fire prevention tips to keep your home and family safe this season.

Deck the Halls Safely

Decorating your home is a fun way to get into the holiday spirit, but it's important to do so safely. 

  1. Choose Fire-Resistant Decorations: When shopping for decorations, opt for flame-resistant or flame-retardant items. Look for these labels to minimize fire risks.
  2. Inspect Lights and Cords: Before hanging lights, check for any frayed wires or broken bulbs. Replace any damaged strands to avoid electrical fires. Use clips instead of nails to secure lights, preventing damage to the cords.
  3. Keep Live Trees Hydrated: If you choose a real Christmas tree, ensure it's fresh and well-watered. Dry trees can catch fire more easily, so make sure to keep them away from heat sources and water the tree daily.

Cooking with Care

The kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. However, it can also be a hotspot for fires.

  1. Stay Alert While Cooking: Never leave cooking food unattended. Keep a close eye on the stove and oven, and use a timer to remind you when it's time to check on your dishes.
  2. Keep Flammable Items Away: Ensure that oven mitts, towels, and other flammable items are kept at a safe distance from the stovetop and other heat sources.
  3. Use Deep Fryers with Caution: If you're planning to deep-fry your holiday turkey, do it outdoors and away from flammable materials. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to avoid accidents.

Heating Your Home Safely

As temperatures drop, you may be using additional heating sources to keep your home warm and cozy.

  1. Maintain Heating Equipment: Have your furnace inspected and cleaned annually by a professional. This helps ensure it's functioning safely and efficiently.
  2. Use Space Heaters Wisely: Keep space heaters at least three feet away from anything that can burn, including curtains, furniture, and bedding. Always turn them off when you leave the room or go to bed.
  3. Install and Check Smoke Alarms: Make sure you have working smoke alarms on every level of your home and near sleeping areas. Test them monthly and replace batteries at least once a year.

By following these holiday fire prevention tips, you can enjoy a festive and worry-free season with your family. Remember, if the unexpected happens, SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is here to help with professional fire restoration services. Stay safe and have a wonderful holiday season!

Even a small fire can leave behind massive damage. Call us and get your home put back together quickly, day or night.

Easy Ways to Protect Your Home from Flooding | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

6/10/2024 (Permalink)

michigan park has been flooded by heavy rains and water levels too high When flooding happens, call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to restore your property to preloss condition.

Flooding can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, but with some proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk. Here are some friendly and easy tips to help you protect your home from potential water damage.

Keep Your Gutters Clean and Functional

One of the simplest ways to prevent flooding is by maintaining your gutters. When gutters are clogged with leaves, twigs, or other debris, water can overflow and pool around your home's foundation. Make it a habit to clean your gutters at least twice a year, especially in the spring and fall. If you’re not up for the task, consider installing gutter guards to minimize debris buildup.

Install a Sump Pump

A sump pump is a great investment for any homeowner, especially if your property is prone to flooding. This device is designed to pump out water that accumulates in your basement or crawl space, keeping these areas dry. Make sure your sump pump is working correctly by testing it regularly, and consider having a battery backup system in case of power outages during storms.

Landscape Wisely

The way you landscape your yard can have a big impact on flood prevention. Ensure that the ground slopes away from your house so that rainwater flows away from the foundation. You can also use native plants and mulch to help absorb excess water. Additionally, consider installing a rain garden, which is designed to catch and slowly release rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding.

Seal Cracks and Leaks

Inspect your home for any cracks or gaps in the foundation, walls, or windows. Even small openings can let water seep in during heavy rains. Use caulk or sealant to fill these gaps and prevent water intrusion. Regularly check your roof for missing or damaged shingles and repair them promptly to avoid leaks.

Elevate Appliances and Utilities

If your home is in a flood-prone area, it's wise to elevate your appliances and utilities. Place your furnace, water heater, washer, and dryer on platforms or concrete blocks to keep them above potential flood levels. This simple step can save you a lot of money and hassle in case of a flood.

Install Flood Sensors

For added peace of mind, consider installing flood sensors in vulnerable areas like the basement or near sump pumps. These sensors can detect water and alert you immediately, allowing you to take swift action to minimize damage.

Maintain Proper Drainage

Ensure that your property has proper drainage systems in place. Check that your downspouts extend at least six feet away from your home to direct water away from the foundation. If necessary, install additional drainage solutions like French drains to improve water flow and reduce the risk of flooding.

By taking these easy and proactive steps, you can protect your home from flooding and enjoy peace of mind, even during heavy rains. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in safeguarding your home and loved ones from water damage.

Even the most prepared home could still see damage from flooding. That’s why SERVPRO® is ready to respond the moment you call.

Grilling Safety 101: Protecting Your Property | SERVPRO of East Lansing Haslett

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to ensure a fun and safe night.
Understanding the Risks

As the weather warms up, firing up the grill becomes a favorite pastime for many homeowners. The aroma of sizzling steaks and the sound of burgers hitting the grill are synonymous with summertime gatherings. However, amidst the excitement of outdoor cooking, it’s crucial not to overlook the potential fire hazards associated with grilling.

According to a study by the National Fire Protection Association, an average of 8,900 home fires are caused by grilling each year in the United States alone. Additionally, the U.S. Fire Administration reports that July is the peak month for grill-related fires. These statistics highlight the importance of practicing safe grilling techniques to protect your property and loved ones.

Tips for Safe Outdoor Grilling
  1. Location MattersPlace your grill at least ten feet away from your home, deck railings, and overhanging branches. This reduces the risk of fires spreading to your property.

  2. Keep it Clean: Regularly clean your grill to remove grease buildup, which can ignite and cause flare-ups. Additionally, check for gas leaks and ensure all connections are secure.

  3. Stay Alert: Never leave your grill unattended while in use. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and familiarize yourself with how to use it in case of emergencies.

  4. Mind the Attire: Avoid loose-fitting clothing and long sleeves that can easily catch fire. Opt for grilling aprons and heat-resistant gloves to protect yourself from burns.

  5. Proper Ventilation: Always grill outdoors in a well-ventilated area to prevent carbon monoxide buildup. Never use a grill indoors or in enclosed spaces.

Partnering with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of East Lansing Haslett, we understand the importance of proactive measures to safeguard your property against fire damage. Our team is dedicated to assisting homeowners and small business owners in East Lansing and Haslett with fire restoration services, should the need arise. With our expertise and prompt response, you can have peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands.

Don’t let a grilling mishap ruin your summer fun. Take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor cooking experience. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in protecting what matters most. Grill safely and enjoy your summer gatherings responsibly!

For fast restoration services, visit SERVPRO of East Lansing Haslett.

Storm Planning to Avoid Weather Anxiety | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to help you recover.

The dog is pacing, the kids are asking a million questions and the storm clouds are getting closer and closer as thunder booms. If this sounds like a common scene at your house, it might be hard to know how to even begin preparing for severe weather.

In our community, most conversations about severe weather happen in the winter as we face strong winds, heavy snow and freezing temperatures. Strong thunderstorms and tornadoes can’t be ruled out, though, which means we need to be prepared for anything.

When we are prepared, we can respond appropriately and avoid weather anxiety.

Knowing What to Look For

In order to be prepared, we need to know what to look and listen for. Spend some time outside with the kids looking at the clouds. Let them tell you what shapes they see, and while they do, talk to them about what dark, blue-black or green clouds can mean. Make sure they know that the sound of thunder means lightning is nearby and that they need to seek shelter. Tell them if they ever see clouds spinning to head indoors quickly.

Getting to know the clouds is a great start to better understanding weather. Further teach your kids about storms by talking about sirens and weather warnings. If you can hear a siren from your house, find out the next time it will be tested and take the kids outside to hear it. Make a game out of it and see who can reach your safe space fastest when the siren goes off.

Preparing for the Event

If you don’t already have one, start creating a storm emergency plan with your family. It should include where to go and what kind of emergency supplies you should have in different situations.

For thunderstorms, strong winds and tornadoes, a low lying room is the best place to stay. Show the kids the best spot in your house, and then let them play there. Set up some comfort items like blankets and books to make the space feel calm. A warm spot in your house might be ideal during a winter storm, especially if the power is out long-term.

You may already have an emergency kit for winter storms, but if you don’t, let the kids help you prepare one. Gift them with their own fun flashlight, and add in plenty of extra batteries. Snacks and water are another fun item your kids can help you pack away.

Update your kit seasonally, ensuring you have plenty of supplies for storms in both warm and cold weather. This is especially important in the winter as you will need to include heating fuel, candles and other ways to stay warm.

Let the kids add in some games and books that don’t require batteries or electricity. Card games and board games can help pass a lot of time and keep everyone’s anxiety lowered.

Keeping Calm

Weather-related fears and anxieties are common for people of all ages, but they can be particularly challenging for children to deal with. Make your kids feel safe at home by educating them as much as you can about weather, but make sure they also understand that extreme damage isn’t a regular occurrence during storms. Most homes will only see minor issues to their roof, siding and property in the majority of severe weather situations.

The more you can do to keep your family calm, the easier it will be to ride out every storm with confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Dealing With a Water Leak | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

You walk in the door at the end of a long day only to discover a water leak is slowly taking over the floor. Maybe the dishwasher wanted to mop the floors while it washed your dishes or you left a window open on a rainy day. Either way, you have a mess to clean up.

Unfortunately, grabbing a mop and bucket isn’t usually enough for most water leaks, especially those that have been sitting for a while. Water moves fast, and it will find its way into lots of places you don’t want it to be.

The faster you can call us, the better. We will deal with your water leak and everything that goes along with it.

Addressing Water Leaks

When a water leak happens in your home, it can quickly find its way under floors, behind walls and into cabinets. The longer it sits, the more hard-to-reach places it will find its way into.

If a leak strikes in your home, go ahead and dry up everything you can see. Make sure to pay attention to the walls, cabinets and flooring around where the leak happened, especially if you notice water droplets flowing in a particular direction. When water ends up in the wrong places, it won’t just evaporate or dry up on its own. These tight spaces need airflow in order to be dried up, which means moisture can linger long term.

The longer things remain moist, the more damage will be done. Your metal structure can rust, while other support systems begin to degrade. Mold can also set up and spread rapidly. In as little as a day, you could be dealing with an entire colony of mold in your home, which means you have one more step to recover from on top of the water.

Following Your Nose

When mold and mildew begins to take over, it can leave your home with an odor. If you notice a musty, earthy smell, do your best to track down the source. You may not be able to find any visible signs of the growth as it is likely hidden, but either way, it is time to call in the pros.

Our team will respond to your home quickly in order to tackle both water and mold damage. We will repair warped walls and swollen floorboards, all while removing, disinfecting and sealing away moisture in order to stop mold and odors. Our professionals will track down every spot of moisture in order to ensure nothing sticks around when we are done.

Once the initial area is cleaned up, we will continue working throughout your house. In order to make sure your house smells like home, we will check your HVAC and use it to filter the air. We will also sanitize surfaces all around. Whatever your home needs, our team has it covered.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Disaster Insurance Claims Made Easy | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

When you are dealing with a disaster, your mind is going to be pulled in a million different directions. The safety of your friends and family is likely the first thing you think of, followed quickly behind with how well your house did or did not fare.

As you sort through your thoughts and feelings, there is a good chance you won’t even begin to consider filing an insurance claim. While safety should always be first on your mind, the sooner you can start this important part of your recovery process, the easier getting back on your feet will be.

Our team is available day or night to help you start putting all the pieces of your life back together, including walking with you through the insurance claim process. We are ready to take charge of your recovery so you can care for the ones you love.

Start Fast, Document Often

The kind of disaster you went through doesn’t really matter—when it comes to recovery, faster is always better. When you are able to respond quickly after an event, you can prevent compounding damage that adds up over time.

Remember to keep yourself safe, though. Stay in a safe location until the all-clear is given, avoid power lines that have come down, steer clear of floodwaters and give fire damage some room.

When it is safe to walk around, spend time checking on those around you and your loved ones first. If someone needs immediate attention, clear a path for emergency services as safely as you can do so. Once you know everything is OK, call our SERVPRO® office. We will take lots of information over the phone so that we can put a team together with the right equipment and manpower to meet your needs.

Spend time walking your property as well. Take as many photos as possible of any damage you see. Documentation is the best way to make your insurance claim process simple.

If you do see something that needs to be handled before our team gets there, go ahead and tackle it if you can do so safely. Just make sure you take note of what you did so it can be included on your claim.

Leave It to Our Team

When our team gets to your property, we will start with preventive measures in order to keep the elements out and stop further damage. As we get your roof tarped or broken windows sealed, the rest of our crew will work with you to start the claims process. All of our professionals have been trained in insurance claims requirements so that we ensure a fast and successful process.

Our staff will add to your documentation with an itemized list of your losses and any extra photos needed. We come certified in meeting insurance inspections standards, and we make it our goal to restore as much of your property as possible so that you have less to replace later. Whatever can be done to make restoration fast, cost-effective and easy is exactly what we are going to do.

With our team, you can rest easy knowing that your recovery is in good hands. We will work hard to make sure your insurance claim process is simple, all while we put your home back to exactly as it should be.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Going Back to the Basics of Flood Damage | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

If you have school-aged children who bring home math homework, you know how important understanding the basics can be. In order to get anything done well and without a potential meltdown, the basics are always the best place to start.

Understanding the basics of disaster preparations is also the best way to keep your home as safe as possible no matter what Mother Nature throws our way. While we won’t ever be able to control her altogether, the more prepared we are, the less damage she can do to our homes.

Flooding is one of the top natural disasters that leaves homes damaged every year around the nation—which means tackling the basics of flood safety is crucial for your home.

Know Your Zone

Water damage can originate from a lot of places, including those that have nothing to do with nature. Internal, manmade disasters, like a broken appliance, can certainly do a lot of damage, but they are often easier to control and recover from. With three rivers around our community, river flooding, flash flooding, and ponding from heavy rain are possible for all of us.

Getting to know where your home lies in a floodplain is a great first step in understanding your risks. This is especially crucial if you are near the Grand River, Red Cedar River or Sycamore Creek. Take a look at flood zones for your home and our community in order to know just how prepared you need to be.

Even if you are not near one of the rivers, heavy rains can still leave things pretty wet. Reynolds Drain and Mud Lake Drain often flood as well. If your home is in a lower lying area, consider adding additional drainage to your yard to avoid water seeping in.

If you have a lot of trees around your home, covering your gutters can be a great way to ensure rain flows quickly away from your home. Checking your roof regularly can also prevent potential blocks that could lead to a leak.

Prepare to Prevent

The more you can get to know the area around you, the better you can understand the risks you could potentially face. There are some other steps you can take to get your home prepared as well, though. Start with some regular yard maintenance in order to ensure water moves away from your house as quickly as it falls from the sky.

Make sure there is gentle sloping away from your home throughout your yard. If you have a spot that stays wet, consider adding some organic material or a garden that will pull water down into the soil. With so many water sources in our area, underground gutter downspouts are a great way to not only ensure heavy rains can’t leave puddles in your yard, but to also ensure your gutters aren’t damaged when a river flood does strike.

On the inside of your home, keeping an eye on your basement, windows and doors is a great way to keep things sealed and dry. Update caulking or weather stripping when it ages, and have your basement professionally sealed if you find visible cracks or gaps. A sump pump is another handy tool for keeping water out, and it can be particularly valuable during a river flood.

Don’t make protecting your home from flooding complicated. Keeping up with some basic home maintenance and being prepared for a natural disaster will be far easier than teaching your kiddos multiplication.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Sewage Leaks & Their Stinky Realities | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call when biohazard incidents strike your home.

If you were going to make a list of all the things you never want to deal with, there is a good chance that sewage leaks in your home or office would be on it. A sewage leak might not be as destructive as an all-out flood, but the gross factor is much higher.

The bad news is that sewage leaks are fairly common, and they can happen anywhere. If you know how to respond, though, you can move pretty quickly in order to get things back to normal and smelling fresh and clean again.

What to Do First

When there is a clog or other blockage in your sewage line, it can result in sewage going the wrong way and coming back up sink drains, tubs and showers. A sewage leak can also be the result of damage done to pipes or water lines.

Whatever situation has caused a backup in your home or commercial property, stay away from it. When floodwaters enter into a property, they are classified in three different ways—white water, gray water and black water. White water and gray water come from sources that are generally considered clean, but black water is toxic. Sewage leaks will always be considered black water. They contain harmful viruses, bacteria and other microbes that could leave you deathly ill.

If you have discovered a sewage leak, do your best to stay away from it. Shut the water off either at the closest valve or to your entire building in order to stop the flow. Open windows to help with the fumes and odors, and block the area so that no one can access it. Call our office right away and we will start putting together a restoration team.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

Our professionals are trained and certified to handle a number of biohazard situations safely. When you call us, we will gather as much information as possible as we begin to assemble the crew, safety equipment and tools necessary in order to get your property cleaned up.

While you are waiting for the team to arrive, safely take some photos in order to document what has happened. This may not be the most enjoyable photographing session, but the more information you can provide to your insurance company, the easier the claims process will be. It can also help us identify the original source of the leak.

When we do make it to your property, our first priority will be safety. Keep in mind that we are dealing with toxic, biohazardous materials. We will have the proper protective equipment to handle the situation, but you will need to steer clear for a while as we do. We will remove the sewage and any other standing water while we deep-clean and sanitize the entire area.

Our professionals can also repair any physical damages that occurred with the leak, and we will address the odors. When your restoration is complete everything will feel—and smell—exactly as it should.

A sewage leak will never be a welcome site. Call us right away and avoid the area as much as you can. We will handle the mess so you can get back to life as normal.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO®, and we will take care of you.