Recent Water Damage Posts

Dealing With a Water Leak | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

You walk in the door at the end of a long day only to discover a water leak is slowly taking over the floor. Maybe the dishwasher wanted to mop the floors while it washed your dishes or you left a window open on a rainy day. Either way, you have a mess to clean up.

Unfortunately, grabbing a mop and bucket isn’t usually enough for most water leaks, especially those that have been sitting for a while. Water moves fast, and it will find its way into lots of places you don’t want it to be.

The faster you can call us, the better. We will deal with your water leak and everything that goes along with it.

Addressing Water Leaks

When a water leak happens in your home, it can quickly find its way under floors, behind walls and into cabinets. The longer it sits, the more hard-to-reach places it will find its way into.

If a leak strikes in your home, go ahead and dry up everything you can see. Make sure to pay attention to the walls, cabinets and flooring around where the leak happened, especially if you notice water droplets flowing in a particular direction. When water ends up in the wrong places, it won’t just evaporate or dry up on its own. These tight spaces need airflow in order to be dried up, which means moisture can linger long term.

The longer things remain moist, the more damage will be done. Your metal structure can rust, while other support systems begin to degrade. Mold can also set up and spread rapidly. In as little as a day, you could be dealing with an entire colony of mold in your home, which means you have one more step to recover from on top of the water.

Following Your Nose

When mold and mildew begins to take over, it can leave your home with an odor. If you notice a musty, earthy smell, do your best to track down the source. You may not be able to find any visible signs of the growth as it is likely hidden, but either way, it is time to call in the pros.

Our team will respond to your home quickly in order to tackle both water and mold damage. We will repair warped walls and swollen floorboards, all while removing, disinfecting and sealing away moisture in order to stop mold and odors. Our professionals will track down every spot of moisture in order to ensure nothing sticks around when we are done.

Once the initial area is cleaned up, we will continue working throughout your house. In order to make sure your house smells like home, we will check your HVAC and use it to filter the air. We will also sanitize surfaces all around. Whatever your home needs, our team has it covered.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Damage of All Kinds Handled by One Team | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

When one thing goes wrong, it often feels like it sets off a storm that leads to more and more disasters. That all-to-familiar cliche “when it rains, it pours” holds too much truth in our lives, particularly when it comes to a disaster striking.

Whether it comes from Mother Nature or is caused by an appliance failure, when damage hits your home or your community, it will quickly begin to compound and worsen.

That is why SERVPRO® being in your backyard is so important. We are the total restoration service you need to get life back together fast, no matter what happens.

The Impact of Disasters

Disasters can take an enormous toll on your home or your community, regardless of how large or small they are. Even if a storm is predicted in enough time to prepare, things can turn more severe and more damaging than you may have thought possible. Something happening due to manmade errors can be just as bad, especially when it happens completely unannounced.

When rains start and never stop, flooding is soon to follow, which eventually leads to mold growth everywhere that ends up wet. High winds can take out the power or put that tree that needed trimming on your roof. Fires bring smoke, soot, structural damage and water damage to your home—not to mention odors that can be hard to get rid of.

Disasters are always a worst-case scenario as one kind of damage quickly leads to another. The longer damage sticks around, the worse things get, too.

The physical damage you can see and touch isn’t the only kind of damage to handle either. The mental toll that a disaster can take on each individual that has to journey through them is simply immeasurable. That is why fast action is the best path to recovery.

A Single Team, Total Restoration

The faster your life can be put together after a disaster, the better. That is why our professional team is ready to take your call 247, any day of the year. The moment you call us, we will start putting together your information and preparing a team to head to your property.

Our experts are trained and certified in a number of disaster scenarios. We are also locally owned and operated, and that means that we love this community as much as you do. Not only have we experienced disasters right alongside you, we have cleaned up your homes and offices all around town.

If you experience roof damage during a storm, we can be there quickly to get it tarped in order to keep the rest of the elements out while your recovery continues. If a flood leaves your home wet, we will start removing water immediately while we also work to save as much of your property as possible.

When a disaster strikes that leaves a part of your home beyond repair, we can rebuild it for you. It is our goal to get your life back to normal fast, whatever that takes.

When we say we can handle your total restoration, we mean that we will stay with you from start to finish. If your home doesn’t completely feel, smell and even sound like your home, we will continue to work until it does.

With a local, highly trained staff and availability the very moment you need us, SERVPRO is your one-stop-shop for a complete recovery when rain starts pouring in your life. We will have you facing the sunshine again quickly, enjoying every moment of life as normal.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Water Hiding in Your Home | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

Water plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Just consider how many times you run the dishwasher or hose the dog down after a walk gets particularly wild. Being able to use water on demand has its benefits, but when water gets into the wrong places, it can leave your house a complete mess.

The good news is that it only takes getting to know the most common places that water and excess moisture may be hiding in your home to prevent a total disaster. With some easy home maintenance, you can keep everything dry and free of damage.

Under Your Sinks

Sinks, toilets and bathtubs are all highly prone to leaking. While this might feel obvious, it can actually be hard to find leaks. There are generally multiple water lines under a sink, and with water already so common, leaks can get pretty bad before you catch them.

Check under your sinks weekly, and watch around other bathroom fixtures for unexplained water droplets. Feel the water lines for moisture and make sure connections are tight. Replace any seals that have worn down or are showing any other signs of aging.

Beneath Appliances

It would be a real drag not to have some of the appliances that make life so convenient. However, dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters and refrigerators with built-in water filters are all prone to hidden leaks. These leaks often start behind or under the appliance, which means you may not notice it until a good deal of damage is done.

Make a plan to pull out your water-based large appliances every few months in order to clean under and behind them. Look for mold growth, puddles or soft spots in the floor. Feel any of the water lines you can reach, and make sure everything is in good shape and well connected.

Behind Your Walls or Floors

One of the things that makes water leaks particularly dangerous is how quickly water can move. Even when the leak was small and you were able to catch it relatively fast, water may have gotten into any nooks or crannies around the source of the leak. This often results in water damage behind your walls or under the floor.

musty odor is generally the first indicator of this. Always pay close attention to any strange smells near water-based appliances. A new squeak in the floor or spot that feels soft close to appliances is another sign that something has happened.

Around Your Windows and Doors

When the temperature swings between warm and cold, it can create condensation on your windows. This is pretty common in most homes, which makes it easy to ignore.

Condensation can trickle down into cracks or between your shingles, causing damage to the structure of your home.

Run your hands around the window and door frames to feel for moisture. Take a look at the seal, and check for signs of wear and tear. Seals wear out quickly, so the change of the seasons is a great time to refresh any caulking in order to keep your home well insulated.

While you are inspecting your home, don’t let any water damage you happen to discover cause you to panic. SERVPRO® is just a phone call away, and we are ready to get a team out to your property around the clock.

We can handle an entirely flooded basement or damage left behind after a hole in a pipe. We make it our goal to get your restoration completed fast.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO for a quick restoration.

When Water Tries to Take a Stand in Your Business | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

12/1/2023 (Permalink)

concrete floor tiling with large cracks and water on it Has water damage infiltrated your business? Give SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett a call to get that resolved!

You get to the office and unlock the doors, reach for the lights and suddenly start to notice that things are smelling musty and damp. Has your building sprung a leak somewhere?

That would certainly be an uncomfortable situation to be in, but picture stepping through the doors and into a massive puddle. Now we are in an actual nightmare!

Plumbing failures or natural disasters can create a big mess that needs fast action in order to keep it from getting bigger. When you know what to do after finding water in your business, you can prevent extreme damage and get back to work faster.

One Step at a Time

Flooding in your business is a lot to handle. Even when a natural disaster was predicted and you took every safety measure possible, finding water in your space can be extremely overwhelming.

Take a deep breath and break things down to a single step at a time. You can get things back to normal quickly and prevent deep damage or mold growth.

1. Stay safe. Any time a disaster strikes, regardless of size or source, safety should be your top priority. Call our crew at SERVPRO® immediately, and seek out a dry place to wait for the professionals to arrive. If you can safely do so, take as many photos of the water and damage as possible.

2. Control the disaster. The faster you can move when you discover water, the more you can prevent extreme losses. Find the source of the leak if you are able and shut the water flow off. If you can’t find the source but the leak is coming from an internal source, shut the main water valve off.

3. Start the drying process. Floodwaters, even when they start clean, can quickly become dangerously contaminated from external sources. The more you can stay out of the water, the better. Even still, if you are able to start the drying process, you should. Open windows around the flooded area, turn on fans and remove anything in the water’s path.

Work With the Pros

When our restoration professionals get to your property, they will immediately start taking action to get water out of your business. We will also complete a full assessment of everything your business needs, and walk you through what recovery is going to look like. Our crew works directly with your insurance agency so that your process is as simple as possible.

As your recovery progresses, you can turn your attention to getting your business going again. If the disaster was contained to a single space and our experts consider it safe to do so, you can utilize the rest of your building while complete repairs.

While you take care of your team, our team will take care of completing the drying process. It is always our goal to restore rather than replace your property, and we will involve you in every part of the decision-making process.

Don’t allow water to take a stand in your commercial building. Move fast, and call SERVPRO. We will get things dried out in no time so your business never skips a beat.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Tackling a Leaky Appliance With Confidence | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

11/22/2023 (Permalink)

Damaged wooden built-in furniture from water leak, Home problems Are you left dealing with the aftermath or water damage to your home? SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett wants to help. Contact us now!

Do you have an appliance that gets used almost every day in your home? We all have that one appliance that we rely on to get us through our days, and chances are that it is an appliance that uses water to function. Water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers play a vital role in our day-to-day functioning. 

Since we are surrounded by water all of the time, that also means that the risk of suffering water damage is always present. While we can’t always prevent water incidents and accidents from occurring, knowing what to do when one happens in your home can mitigate damage. 

What to Do First

Water leaks can happen in a singular, obvious event like a flood or overflowing sink, but they can also be much sneakier. If your appliance starts to leak out the back or underneath, the water leak could be happening for a significant period of time before you are alerted to the situation. 

By that time, serious water damage could have set in and even mold growth may have started.

It is time to investigate as soon as you notice a new puddle or a water spot that you know wasn’t there the day before. Shut off the supply of water by turning off the connecting water valve and powering off the machine. Avoid walking through any standing water, and consider shutting off electricity to the area, just to be on the safe side. 

What to Do Afterward 

Once the flow of water is controlled, it is time to get us on the phone. Water damage is often time-sensitive because bacteria can quickly start to grow and mold infestations can start to take hold the longer it sits unaddressed. It can even lead to serious structural issues throughout your home.

We will arrive quickly to start drying out the excess moisture and we will also tackle any residual damage left behind by the water. This could include carpet replacement, wall repair and the installation of new flooring. When we are through, we will even sanitize your entire space to ensure mold cannot grow. 

If the appliance that malfunctioned is getting old or unreliable, we recommend you look into replacing it as soon as possible. The older an appliance gets, the higher the chance that another water disaster will happen again. 

Water damage should always be cleaned up quickly. Contact SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett right away. 

What to Do When Your Home or Business Floods | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

11/22/2023 (Permalink)

flood restoration: flooding in the modern kitchen. Has an unexpected flashflood invaded your home or business? SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is Here to Help®. Don’t hesitate to contact us now!

Water can impact our lives in many ways, and one of the most destructive ways is when flooding conditions are present. We all know how powerful water can be, and it can cause a serious strain on your home or business’ structural integrity.  

Floodwaters can cause intense amounts of damage in a short amount of time, and they can also create dangerous situations for anyone caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Understanding what to do before, during and after a flood is crucial for your safety.

When It Floods at Home

Flood watches and warnings can be issued even if it is not actively raining, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them seriously. Start preparing your home for the possibility of a flood by clearing out your lowest level and by removing any important documents or keepsakes. Stay in a higher room to wait out the storm. 

When the water stops rushing in, use extreme caution if you have to walk around any flooded levels of your home. Floodwater can bring all sorts of hazardous or dangerous things into your home, like sewage, storm runoff, chemicals or sharp debris. If you must walk through the water to get to safety, wear sturdy boots and gloves and move slowly. 

When It Floods at Work

Flooding situations at work can cause chaos quickly as your employees scramble to safety and to stay dry. Your main focus should be on getting your team to safety, so either send them to a higher location or begin a quick evacuation, whichever is the safest option at the moment. 

Designating someone to grab any important electronics or files can help ensure everyone can navigate the next few days calmly and smoothly. 

Once the threat has passed, don’t let anyone into your building until the authorities have deemed it safe to reenter. Floods can easily compromise walls, floors and ceilings, so it is always best to get a professional opinion first. Take as many photos of the wreckage as you can and get us on the phone so we can start creating your restoration plan. 

Addressing Your Flood Damage

We will get right to work drying out your space and extracting excess water. The faster we move, the less of a chance that mold will set in and we can even prevent the damage from traveling to other areas. We will dry out your entire affected area and use our thermal cameras to detect hidden moisture.

Once the space is dry, we can handle any sort of reconstruction needs that your home has. We can replace drywall and carpet, install new flooring and even help restore any soft materials that suffered damage in the flood. 

We will do our best to restore as much of your property as possible, and we will work hard until your home or building is returned back to its pre-flood condition right away. 

Recovering from a flood is easier with SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett by your side. Call us today. 

How to Handle Water Damage in Your Home | SERVPRO East Lansing/Haslett

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett right away.

Water is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. But while water plays a crucial role in our lives, it can wreak havoc when it infiltrates our homes unexpectedly. Whether it comes in the form of a flooded basement due to a busted water heater, a leaky roof from a storm or a flash flood seeping through doors and windows, water damage can turn your life upside down.

While there are preventive measures to protect your home from water damage, some disasters are beyond preparation. The good news is that our water damage restoration experts are available to help.

Taking the First Steps

Responding swiftly to a water disaster is vital for minimizing the damage to your home. Water can infiltrate hidden spaces, so locating the source and promptly drying the surrounding area will help you regain control. If the source is an internal issue, such as a leaking appliance, shut off the water flow immediately. It’s essential to know the location of your water shut-off valves and electrical shut-offs to prevent accidents involving live wires.

Never attempt to wade through water with live electrical wires; always turn them off at the source before proceeding. Once it’s safe, contact SERVPRO® for expert assistance. Our 247 availability ensures that immediate action is taken, reducing the overall damage to your home.

The Drying Process

Once you get in touch with us, we will assess your situation over the phone while coordinating with your insurance company to streamline the recovery process. It’s advisable to take photos of the damage, as these can be helpful for documentation and ensuring a smooth timeline.

SERVPRO will dispatch a team of experts armed with industry-leading equipment to begin the drying process. The primary goal is to extract the water and dry out soft materials to restore as much of your property as possible, minimizing the need for replacements. The team ensures thorough sanitation and eliminates any odors from your home.

Rest assured that our team of technicians can handle any type of water damage, regardless of its origin. If an area of your home requires more than basic repairs, their professionals can tear down and rebuild that section, leaving your house in pristine condition.

For extensive water damage—such as damage caused by storms or pipe failures—it’s best to leave the task to the professionals. SERVPRO experts are equipped to handle such situations thoroughly and safely, providing you with peace of mind even amidst water-related challenges.

Water damage can be a significant disruption to your life, but with prompt action and the expertise of SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett, your home can be restored efficiently. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when dealing with water-related disasters.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

Dealing With Heavy Rain | SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett on the case!

Rain can be either a blessing or a curse, depending on how and when it falls. On a hot day when the weather has been dry, a soaking rain is cause for celebration, leaving the earth moist and sweet-smelling and the temperature a little less high.

But hours and hours of rain, or a heavy rain after several other wet days can end up being a complete disaster. Heavy rains often come with other threats as well, including high wind and hail. All of this moist, intense weather can leave your home damaged and allow water to start seeping in.

At SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett, we want to ensure your home stays safe and your family stays dry through every storm. When you know how to handle the weather our town sees, you can take quick action to avoid damage.

Hazards of Intense Rain

Life in Michigan comes with a lot of beautiful weather, especially if you love snow. During the spring and summer, though, it is not uncommon to see heavy rainfall and even an occasional tornado.

With Lake Lansing so nearby, heavy rain can quickly result in flooding over the banks of the lake and flash flooding throughout town. Roads may become covered with water and the ground often becomes overly saturated, causing puddles that could push their way into your basements or foundations of your home. Flash floods can move fast enough to sweep away just about anything in their path.

You can’t prevent flooding when it comes from Mother Nature herself, but you can take some steps to prepare your home for it. One of the most important things you should do is keep up with the local forecast and always have two ways to receive weather alerts.

Staying Safe

Safety should always be your top priority when it comes to preparing your home and your family for weathering storms well. If a storm is approaching while you are at, do your best to get home. Make sure your family understands your communication plan before a storm rolls in so everyone can start reaching out to one another to ensure they are in a safe place.

Bring in as much as you can from outside in order to avoid losing things in a flood as well as damage to your home from debris. Park your car inside the garage and put away any outside furniture.

Inside your home, move irreplaceable items to a high location and store important papers in a water tight container. If water starts to come inside while you are home, move to a high location and stay there until the threat has passed. Try to avoid stepping into water that could have live electricity in it. Turn the power off ahead of storms when heavy flooding is predicted.

Future Prevention Strategies

As soon as you can safely do so, call us at SERVPRO to start drying out your home. Mother Nature may be unpredictable, but we are trained and ready to handle anything she throws at us. While we work on your restoration, we can also help you prepare your home to avoid another disaster in the future.

If your yard was washed out during the flood, or if water began puddling and ponding quickly during the storm, consider bringing in a professional to create better grading and add organic materials. This will help prevent ponding water and ensure rain rolls away from your home.

If you don’t already have one, a sump pump could be a great investment for your basement or crawl space under your house. These pumps keep water away from the foundation of your home, pumping it out before it can cause flooding.

Even the most prepared home can still take on water, but with restoration experts right around the corner, you can rest easy knowing that help is on the way as soon as you dial our number. We will get your home dry, sanitized and free of mold fast so you can get back to living.

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

Do You Know Where to Find Hidden Water Damage? | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”bucket” alt = " blue bucket in the middle of the living area catching water falling from the ceiling ” > Think you may have water damage in your home? Here are some tips from SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett to find the source.

Water damage has several dangerous characteristics, such as the tendency to swiftly develop and cause extensive damage. Aside from these unpleasant qualities, water damage has a habit of remaining concealed until it manifests itself in the form of mold, leaks and expensive destruction.

The best way to keep your property secure from these hidden threats is to be able to detect emerging water damage before it progresses. There are numerous spots in your East Lansing home that you can monitor to guarantee that water damage does not develop before you can intervene and avert mayhem.

Be careful of the following areas in your home as you fight to keep hidden water damage at bay:

Your roof. Water damage on your roof can be tough to spot because you may not get up often enough to notice it!

Water damage that’s hiding on your roof can also develop extremely slowly over time, so you may notice a minor leak and dismiss it, only to have it turn into a huge problem as the concealed leak goes unchecked.

Concealed rook leaks can also seep into your attic, presenting another unnoticed problem. Sneaky water damage and excess moisture paired with a dim and damp atmosphere can also create a major mold problem on your roof and inside your attic.

In your bathroom. The bathroom is a popular place for sneaky leaks to emerge. Excess moisture and other forms of water damage can form around many of your commonly used appliances.

Wet areas can appear around your sink, and your faucet may begin to drip. Pay attention to issues like puddled water, an increase in moisture and a slow drain around your bathtub and toilet.

These may seem like issues you wouldn’t be able to ignore, but without a little bit of searching, they can be hard to find! Remember to check your plumbing often so you can find these concerns before they leave you with a ton of damage.

Other appliances. A few additional items in your Haslett house might hide water damage, much like your bathroom accessories. These concerns can go unnoticed since water can creep beneath and behind your large appliances.

To hunt for concealed water, move your appliances away from where they normally sit and conduct a thorough search.

It can also be beneficial to perform a brief inspection for concealed damage following each use of your devices. It’s a good idea to retire out-of-date equipment once they reach their shelf life or start to regularly malfunction so you can keep your home safe from any hidden damage.

Dealing with a water emergency? Our SERVPRO specialists can be on the scene of the disaster ASAP to restore your water-damaged home!

Do You Know The Signs Of Water Damage In Your Bathroom?

7/11/2022 (Permalink)

mold in the corner of a bath tub If you have water damage in your home or business, contact SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett today!

The signs of water damage can be difficult to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking for. And your bathroom is one of the places it’s most likely to hide. It’s important to find water damage in your home early because it can spread and
worsen over time. If it’s stopped early and repaired, then you can avoid making bigger,
more costly repairs in the future.

Your home is your family’s biggest investment, so protecting it is vital. You can do that by regularly looking for signs of leaks around your home. Learning what you should be looking for in your bathroom is a good place to start.

Signs You Could See

Here’s what you might see if you have a potential water issue in one of your home’s bathrooms:

Evidence of mold or mildew. Both mold and mildew can flourish in wet environments. Your bathroom might have black spots on your walls, shower curtain, around your tub or
shower, or underneath your bathroom cabinets.

Wet spots on your walls or around the tub. If you see water spots or stains on your walls, it’s a sign that there could be a leak behind them. If you notice that, then it might be time to check your pipes for leaks and other issues. You’ll want to correct those and then repair any damage to protect your home.

Damage to the flooring or paint. Bubbling, peeling paint, buckling wood floors or cracked damaged tiles can all be possible signs of water damage. Again, you’ll want to fix these issues and repair any damage they’ve caused to ensure your home hasn’t been compromised by mold or water damage.

Wet spots on your ceiling. Not all signs of bathroom water damage are actually noticeable in the bathroom. Water spots and leaks from the ceiling can be signs that the plumbing in your bathroom is leaking if your ceiling issues are located directly below a bathroom. (Any ceiling leak should be investigated, though.)

If you see the signs of water damage anywhere in your home, take the time to get it evaluated and repaired correctly. It will serve you well in the long run—and possibly save you time and money.

From emergency cleaning and restoration to routine disinfection, we’re there for you. Contact us at any hour for a consultation or immediate assistance. Our teams are available to help you
24/7. Don’t wait to call us!

Does Your Business Need Flood Insurance? | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

Flood insurance application on table with eye glasses If your home or business has been damaged by a flood, call your friends at SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett today!

Commercial insurance can be a complex thing. There are a lot of things that your business’
policy is likely to cover by default, including storm damage and fire damage—but unfortunately,
as far as the insurance industry is concerned, flood damage is a completely separate category.

Floods can occur due to heavy rainfall, pipe backups, overflowing bodies of water and other
hazards, and cause serious damage along the way. As little as an inch of floodwater can cause
around $25,000 in damage by some estimates, and if your insurance policy does not extend to
cover this, it will be an out of pocket expense for your business.

If you think you may need flood insurance, keep reading so you can determine what is best for
your operations.

Determining if Your Business Needs Flood Insurance

Consider your location specs. While it is not an entirely solid indicator, one of the best things
to consider when it comes to your flood risk is your business’ location and layout. If you are in
an area that is a known floodplain, that will certainly be a factor in your decision to purchase
flood insurance, but even if you are not, you may be at risk. If your business is located near a
body of water, or your layout is such that you have valuable items and equipment stored on a
ground floor, you may still want to consider flood insurance.

Consider what is covered by flood insurance. Policies can vary, but in general, the property
outside of your building is not typically covered—this would include property such as
landscaping and septic systems. Flood insurance also does not usually cover business vehicles,
but if you have these, you can typically add these on to your policy when you sign up for it.

Consider how much coverage you will need. Usually, commercial flood insurance will provide
up to $500,000 of coverage for your building, plus an additional $500,000 for its contents. If you need more coverage, you can purchase an excess insurance coverage policy, which will include additional cash value as well as business interruption insurance.

If your business is damaged by a flood, you can count on us to help. Get in touch today to learn
more about our commercial flood restoration options.

What to Watch for in Regard to Basement Water Damage | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

a grey basement showing signs of water damage SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is a full restoration company. Our restoration experts are ready to help you determine the best course of action.

If you are considering purchasing a home with a basement or you already live in one, you are likely no stranger to just how useful basement spaces can be. Not only are basements a great option for extra storage and sheltering from severe weather, but they can also be used as extra living space if it is possible for them to be fully finished.

That being said, there are some downsides to basements as well—namely, their propensity for water damage. While some basements will never have water damage, most are somewhat susceptible to it.

Fortunately, by simply knowing what to look for, homeowners can ensure that they are keeping an eye out and are able to treat any water damage issues as soon as they arise. If you suspect basement water damage, it is important to have it handled as soon as possible.

What to Keep an Eye Out for to Prevent Basement Water Damage

Unpleasant, musky odors. When we see water damage in basements, it is typically clean water such as rain or clear pipe water, but that does not mean that it can’t still cause odors. When water seeps into an area where it should not be, it can give rise to mold and mildew growth. As the water evaporates and the mold is left behind, an odor can break out and be the first sign that you may have water damage on your hands.

Flaking paint on masonry or walls. Oftentimes, homeowners will see an area susceptible to water damage and paint it, in the hopes that this will seal the water damage in. Unfortunately, if there is a legitimate water damage problem, it will certainly still find a way to work itself into the area. This can lead to paint that peels, cracks, warps, bubbles or flakes, which is a sign that there is underlying water damage trying to work its way through.

Foundational cracks. As a home settles and shifts with weather and age, it is not uncommon for small cracks to develop throughout the home. As long as these remain hairline cracks, there is no cause for concern. However, if larger cracks develop on walls, ceilings or in the floor that is a sign that there is potentially water damage and you should have someone come take a look right away.

If you notice any of these signs in your basement, let us take a look. Our expert water restoration technicians can help you determine what is causing these issues and how to treat it properly. Contact us today to learn more.

The Most Common Types & Causes of Flooding | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

5/26/2022 (Permalink)

a street completely submerged in water and a flood warning sign in roadway Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett has the team to help you recover from any disastrous event.

Flooding is the most widespread natural disaster, claiming more lives each year in the United States than hurricanes, tornadoes or lightning. It can have an impact on anything from individual houses whose property gathers surplus water to whole towns and cities.

Flooding affects all 50 states and every U.S. territory, although there are commonalities in their varieties and causes. There are three forms of floods, and they generally occur because of four different causes.

3 Types of Natural Flooding

Flash floods commonly occur when heavy rain passes or sits over a region and overwhelms the ground’s capacity to hold the moisture. Excess water rushes off, carrying anything with it from trash, automobiles and other debris with it.

River flooding is precisely what it sounds like. When a river’s banks are unable to retain the surplus water, the water spills over the brink, causing the areas around the river to be flooded, often causing significant damage.

Coastal floods occur when storm surges or cyclonic activity force ocean or gulf levels to rise to flood levels in places near significant bodies of water.

The 4 Most Common Causes of Natural Flooding

Heavy rainfall. Excessive rainfall from storms, or storms that sit and linger over a region for a lengthy period of time, may generate flash floods or river flooding. Rain floods are more likely in urban areas because of the increased proportion of concrete and asphalt, which means there isn’t enough soil to absorb all that water. Over the next 30 years, over 3,000 properties in Lansing have a higher than a 25% probability of being severely impacted by floods. This equates to 7% of all homes in the city. Flooding may create a whole host of problems for Lansing citizens, including disruptions to utilities, first responder services, transportation and highways, all of which have a negative influence on the area’s economic well-being.

Oceanic activity. Storm surges, hurricanes and high tides can cause water levels to increase in waves, which can wreak havoc on coastal cities.

Dams and levees failing. The most recent example would be the tragic levee breakdowns during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. When fractures form in levees or dams, or when excess pressure exceeds the dam’s capacity to control the surge of water behind it, the structures break.

Snowmelts and ice dams.. Snow and ice may accumulate over the course of a winter in areas of the nation where heavy snow and extended freezing temperatures are prevalent, and when they begin to melt, they produce rivers of water to pour through nearby cities. Ice dams, also known as ice jams, occur when rivers get blocked by built-up ice transported downstream, forcing the banks to overflow.

Regardless of the cause of the flooding, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover from its disastrous effects. Contact us anytime when flooding or water damage makes a mess in your life.

The Timeline of Water Damage and Its Destructive Effects | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

a bathroom sink showing signs of a water leak SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett is your 24/7 water restoration expert. Call us right away if you need immediate service.

Small spots of water spots and barely leaking faucets can seem basic and are often overlooked. However, you should never underestimate the damage caused by moisture in the home. An average household leak can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water in a year.

The damage brought on by standing water progresses fast, seeping into your walls, soft surfaces and floors. It’s most important to begin dealing with the issue immediately to get the best restoration results.

This timeline gives you a good synopsis of water damage:

In the First 24 Hours

If you live in a house, there is a one in four chance of a flood damaging your home within a 30-year period in a high-risk area. Knowing what to do next is essential.

The first 24 to 48 hours after flooding or water damage are crucial. Certain items will immediately fall victim to water’s disastrous effects.

Soft and absorbent items like fabric furnishings and upholstery will soak in the water. Wooden structures can swell and become deformed as well.

Even scarier, your personal belongings such as books, photos and important documents are at risk of warping beyond repair. During this timeframe, mold begins to develop, so taking action fast is essential.

At SERVPRO, our expertise, combined with a “restore vs. replace” mentality, can help you save money while keeping your precious and irreplaceable memories safe. If any items are unfortunately beyond restoration, we will communicate this to you. These items will be removed quickly to prevent the spread of moisture and lessen the drying time of the ones we can restore.

Within the First Week

After the first 24 hours, water damage will progress further and quickly. Mold growth will explode at this point if in the presence of moisture; as the mold sets in it can even damage your home’s structure.

Additionally, porous surfaces, such as wood surfaces and walls will become increasingly compromised, and metal surfaces will start corroding.

After One Week

At all costs, you must avoid allowing moisture to stay present for long periods of time. Standing water and moisture can cause extremely destructive and irreversible effects.

As time progresses, the effort required and the costs of restoration will increase exponentially, along with the risks of significant structural damage.

How SERVPRO Will Help

We begin the SERVPRO restoration process with our first call, hopefully within the first 24 hours. Service work typically starts with a full-scale extraction of standing water, helping to prevent the spread of moisture further into your home.

It’s very likely that your furniture, floors and personal belongings that have been affected will need deep cleaning, sanitizing and deodorization. Once we remove most of the water, our experts will use industry-leading equipment that helps get rid of the water that can’t be seen.

After these initial steps, your home may need construction work to get your property back to its preloss condition. This step could include minor repairs or rebuilding entire areas of your home.

At SERVPRO, we like to simplify the restoration process by taking care of the initial damage mitigation, as well as rebuilding the affected areas of your home or business. We keep you up to date on every single step, doing our best to get you back in action as soon as possible.

Regardless of the type of water damage sustained, SERVPRO has the tools and teams to help your home or business recover. Contact us 24/7 when you need a dependable team to help you recover.

Do You Know the Signs of Water Damage in Your Bathroom?

2/4/2021 (Permalink)

mold growing on tile grout on a bathtub surround Both mold and mildew can flourish in wet environments.

The signs of water damage can be difficult to spot if you don’t know what you’re looking
for. And your bathroom is one of the places it’s most likely to hide.
It’s important to find water damage in your home early because it can spread and
worsen over time. If it’s stopped early and repaired, then you can avoid making bigger,
more costly repairs in the future.
Your home is your family’s biggest investment, so protecting it is vital. You can do that
by regularly looking for signs of leaks around your home. Learning what you should be
looking for in your bathroom is a good place to start.
Signs You Could See
Here’s what you might see if you have a potential water issue in one of your home’s
Evidence of mold or mildew. Both mold and mildew can flourish in wet environments.
Your bathroom might have black spots on your walls, shower curtain, around your tub or
shower, or underneath your bathroom cabinets.
Wet spots on your walls or around the tub. If you see water spots or stains on your
walls, it’s a sign that there could be a leak behind them. If you notice that, then it might
be time to check your pipes for leaks and other issues. You’ll want to correct those and
then repair any damage to protect your home.
Damage to the flooring or paint . Bubbling, peeling paint, buckling wood floors or
cracked damaged tiles can all be possible signs of water damage. Again, you’ll want to
fix these issues and repair any damage they’ve caused to ensure your home hasn’t
been compromised by mold or water damage.
Wet spots on your ceiling. Not all signs of bathroom water damage are actually
noticeable in the bathroom. Water spots and leaks from the ceiling can be signs that the
plumbing in your bathroom is leaking if your ceiling issues are located directly below a
bathroom. (Any ceiling leak should be investigated, though.)
If you see the signs of water damage anywhere in your home, take the time to get it
evaluated and repaired correctly. It will serve you well in the long run—and possibly
save you time and money.
From emergency cleaning and restoration to routine disinfection, we’re there for you. Contact us
at any hour for a consultation or immediate assistance. Our teams are available to help you
24/7. Don’t wait to call us!

What Do I Do About a Soaked Carpet? | SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

light brown carpet with water spots from a leak somewhere If you have water damage in your home due to a burst pipe or another cause, contact us right away; SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett is available 24/7

Sometimes water just happens. Maybe you go away on vacation and when you come back, you found your teenager left her window open the whole time. It was a rainy week, and now the carpet is soaked.

You wonder, “Can this carpet be saved? Can we dry it ourselves? How do we dry it ourselves?”

Luckily, SERVPRO has answers to these questions. Yes, many carpets that have been thoroughly saturated can be salvaged. Whether you can deal with yours on your own depends on one, how long it was wet and two, whether it was wet with contaminated water.

How Long Was Your Carpet Wet?

As soon as your carpet becomes wet, it starts changing. The fibers soak up moisture and the mold spores that are present begin to grow and spread. But chances are, if your carpet was soaked less than 48 hours then you can dry it yourself.

How do you dry a carpet?

  1. You’ll need to manually remove as much water as possible. Press clean, dry towels into the carpet, then wring them out. Repeat when you can’t get more water up this way.

  2. Create an atmosphere conducive to drying by opening windows, pointing fans at the carpet, and/or running a dehumidifier.

  3. Keep removing water by running a wet/dry vacuum. As with the towels, run the vacuum, then empty the canister, and repeat until you can’t get more water out of the carpet.

  4. Sprinkle it with baking soda or a commercial carpet disinfectant. Leave overnight before vacuuming up.

Was the Water Contaminated?

If sewage or other contaminated water got into your carpet—or if it was wet more than a couple of days—you’ll need to lift it, then clean, decontaminate and dry it before putting it back in place.

It is possible you can do this yourself, if you have the right equipment. You’ll need to take the carpet and pad up and thorough clean the floor under it. Then be sure to disinfect, shampoo or steam clean, and dry the carpet before laying it down again.

However, this can be a very unwieldy process. Your best bet in this situation is to reach out to a commercial cleaning and restoration company, such as SERVPRO. Very often, our talented technicians can help you remove mold and odors, destroy harmful microbes, and make your carpet usable again.

From emergency cleaning and restoration to routine disinfection, we’re there for you. Contact us at any hour for a consultation or immediate assistance.

The Water You Don't See

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

Moisture mapping around this bathtub after taking moisture readings gives the homeowner an idea of how much water is trapped under the floor.

With any leak or spill, it’s the water you don't see that can cause the most damage. When you experience a water damage, make the right choice. A mop and common household cleaning products may not be enough for the unseen water intrusions. While the surface may seem dry, the water you don’t see can contain bacteria, cause mold or rot, and cause other unseen damage.

The insurance industry estimates that approximately 90 percent of household damages come from water-related occurrences. The most commonly reported cause is leaky or broken pipes and plumbing fixtures. Home appliances are considered a leading cause of preventable water damage. By implementing a simple inspection and maintenance program, homeowners can reduce their risk significantly:

  • Dishwasher - Periodically check around the base of the dishwasher, as well as the water supply line under the sink.
  • Refrigerator - For refrigerators with ice makers, periodically check the hose connection attached to the water supply.
  • Washing Machine - Hoses should be inspected regularly for wetness around hose ends, as well as for signs of bulging, cracking or fraying. Hoses should be replaced every three to five years.
  • Water Heater - While the service life of the standard water heater is 10 to 15 years, water heaters should be inspected routinely for signs of leaks or tank rust. Water heaters should be located next to a floor drain or placed inside a drain pan piped to the floor drain.

So before risking the value of your home or further damage by attempting to clean and dry it yourself, call us to inspect your home.

SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett - 517-999-0789

Signs of Water Damage

8/6/2018 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett at the first sign of water damage!

There are many signs of water damage that you should look out for. Water damage can cause serious problems in any home and if you don’t spot the signs of water damage and deal with it quickly, it is likely to worsen over time. Water damage not only tends to spread, but it can also cause the development of mold, which will grow on any surface it comes into contact with. Mold can even travel through the air in the form of spores, and upon coming into contact with damp walls or flooring, it will begin to grow into a colony within 24 hours.

However, the problem with spotting the signs of water damage is that water damage isn’t always immediately apparent. Sometimes, it will be clear (such as when you have a burst water pipe spraying water into your hallway) but in other cases, it can be more gradual and subtle. SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett can identify such problems with a probe or a moisture meter, but how do you know to call them in the first place?

Here are just a few of the signs that you might have water damage…


Sometimes you can’t see water damage, but you can hear it. Water damage might sound like dripping water, it might sound like creaking floor boards or it might sound like rushing water. Of course, these sounds might also be the result of a perfectly functional plumbing system, so what you’re looking for is signs that have changed.


Another sense you can use to look for signs of water damage or moisture in your home is smell. Dampness has a very distinct odor and this might also be accompanied by the musky smell of mold. Look out for smells in conjunction with other indicators of water damage.

Pooling Water or Puddles

If you have something dripping or leaking, then this can leave pools of water. If you notice an unusual puddle, then keep an eye on it to see if it comes back after you clean it up. If it does, then you may have a leak or seepage.


If your home is very difficult to heat, this might be a sign that you have dampness affecting your walls. Water and moisture will often draw heat out of walls in order to evaporate and this, in turn, leaves those walls and the property overall much colder.


Just as there is no smoke without fire, there is no mold without water damage. You may not need water damage restorationif the mold is a result of condensation in your bathroom, but in any situation, this is a sign that there is too much moisture in some part of your home and you need to deal with it swiftly by drying the area. Mold has its own smell and can also cause health symptoms such as cold-like or allergy symptoms as well as headaches and nausea.


Discoloration is another sign of water damage. In particular look for ‘streaks’ of water that are running down the side of your home. This can sometimes be a sign of an overflowing gutter, which will result in watermarks that are quite distinctive and show where the water has traveled down the wall.

When you are in need of a water damage restoration company in East Lansing, Haslett, Okemos, Williamston, Dansville, Perry, Webberville, or Lansing, call SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett at 517-999-0789.

What To Do Until Help Arrives

7/19/2018 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett, we know that emergencies happen, which is why we offer prompt 24/7 emergency response. However, until our highly trained technicians arrive, there are some effective steps you can take to help minimize the damage being done to your home or business. Depending on the type and extent of the emergency at hand, different procedures should be followed in order to slow down the damage being done.

When you are facing water damage from a clean water source, there are several things you can do until SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett arrives.

  • As soon as possible, turn off the source of water. If you are unable to do so, contact a qualified party to shut off the water source. Doing this will stop any additional water trying to enter your home from doing so.
  • When safe to do so, attempt to shut off the circuit breaker for wet areas throughout the affected building. Use extreme caution when doing so in order to avoid any electric shock.
  • Begin blotting and mopping up as much water as possible. Having standing water can cause more damage to the building
  • Keep furniture skirting, draperies and other items away from wet areas. A good trick to keeping furniture skirting off the wet flooring is to use clothespins to pin them up.

In addition to the many beneficial tips to keep in mind when facing clean water damage, there are also several things you should avoid.

  • Any rooms with standing water should be avoided at all costs.
  • Keep all items that when wet could cause staining away from carpet. These items include newspapers, magazines, or papers with ink that could bleed through when damp.
  • Do not use any appliances while in standing water. 
  • Do not use your own vacuum to remove water because this can cause electrical shock and possibly damage the vacuum cleaner. 
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet.
  • Do not enter any rooms where the ceiling appears to be sagging due to retention of water. 

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 at 517-999-0789

East Lansing Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

7/18/2018 (Permalink)

This East Lansing home's basement flooded due to a sewer backup during heavy rains.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your East Lansing basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 517-999-0789

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help! 517-999-0789

Pipe Bursts in East Lansing Apartment

2/13/2018 (Permalink)

The ceiling of the apartment complex after falling due to water.

The nationwide Arctic Freeze in December was like nothing we've experienced in the past recent years - Michiganders were seeing temperatures in the negative teens for days. Our homes are just as susceptible to these frigid temperatures. Pipes were bursting in homes all over the state, and the technicians at SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett were able to respond quickly to put a halt to any damage being done.

On this particular occasion, a pipe burst between the first and second floors of this East Lansing apartment, and the damage was already pretty severe upon our arrival. With a pipe burst comes a lot of force, which you can see from this photo. The water being built up between the ceiling and floor was enough to saturate the ceiling and cause it to deteriorate and collapse. The water was able to then travel throughout the main floor, and soak through to the basement and crawlspace.

Our crews worked tirelessly to get the apartment cleared of wet materials and to get everything dried completely. While devastated about the amount of damage caused by the pipe burst, and the amount of remodeling to be done, the complex owner was very pleased with our crews dedication to completing the mitigation in a timely manner.

The Water You Don't See

10/13/2017 (Permalink)

Coming home to see this is never in anyone's plans!

With any leak or spill, it’s the water you don't see that can cause the most damage. When you experience a water damage, make the right choice. A mop and common household cleaning products may not be enough for the unseen water intrusions. While the surface may seem dry, the water you don’t see can contain bacteria, cause mold or rot, and cause other unseen damage.

The insurance industry estimates that approximately 90 percent of household damages come from water-related occurrences. The most commonly reported cause is leaky or broken pipes and plumbing fixtures. Home appliances are considered a leading cause of preventable water damage. By implementing a simple inspection and maintenance program, homeowners can reduce their risk significantly:

  • Dishwasher - Periodically check around the base of the dishwasher, as well as the water supply line under the sink.
  • Refrigerator - For refrigerators with ice makers, periodically check the hose connection attached to the water supply.
  • Washing Machine - Hoses should be inspected regularly for wetness around hose ends, as well as for signs of bulging, cracking or fraying. Hoses should be replaced every three to five years.
  • Water Heater - While the service life of the standard water heater is 10 to 15 years, water heaters should be inspected routinely for signs of leaks or tank rust. Water heaters should be located next to a floor drain or placed inside a drain pan piped to the floor drain.

So before risking the value of your home or further damage by attempting to clean and dry it yourself, call us to inspect your home.

SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett - 517-999-0789

East Lansing / Haslett 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

7/28/2017 (Permalink)

Water under high pressure can fill up a space in a short amount of time.

SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - (517) 999-0789

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett

SERVPRO of East Lansing / Haslett specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Faster to your East Lansing/Haslett Water Damage Event

7/24/2017 (Permalink)

This East Lansing split level home had a total of 8 feet of standing water.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 517-999-0789

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett

SERVPRO of East Lansing/Haslett specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew


Common Causes of Home Water Damage

7/24/2017 (Permalink)

A pipe burst in the second floor bathroom caused severe damage in this home in a matter of hours.

It might seem easy to find the source of the water damage if your basement floods, but most causes are not so obvious. Determining the origin of the problem may require a bit of detective work, and simply cleaning up the signs of damage often won’t fix the root cause.

Roof Leaks

Small leaks in your roof can lead to large amounts of damage. Flat roofs are particularly susceptible to water damage. Even though most flat roofs do have a slight incline, natural debris, like leaves and branches, can create areas where water can easily build up. Standing water can create cracks and leaks in your roof, which can result in water damage throughout your home.

Even if your roof has a steep incline, debris and freezing temperatures in the winter can create natural dams on your roof. Moss can also cause similar issues as it absorbs water and holds it in place on your roof. Regularly clear moss and debris off your roof to prevent damage.

Gutter Buildup

Ideally, gutters direct water off your roof and away from your home. However, it’s easy for leaves, branches, and other debris to clog your gutters. Over time, water will build up and start to overflow onto your walls. Small holes can form as well. Instead of guiding water away from your home, water will constantly leak down its walls. This creates an ideal situation for water damage to occur.

Multi-level homes should regularly inspect the gutters on all roof levels. If gutters start to overflow from a higher level, water can impact lower roofs with greater volume and velocity than rain and cause damage.

Frequently clear out your gutters, especially in the fall or after a windy day.

Broken Pipes

Depending on the location and severity of a broken or leaking pipe, this can be one of the most obvious causes of damage or one of the most subtle.

Winter is a common season for burst pipes. Insufficient insulation can cause pipes to freeze, expand and burst. People might leave on vacation and forget to keep the heat on while they’re gone, and the pipes freeze. Rust and age can also damage your pipes.

Unfortunately, it can take a while to notice a leaking pipe, which can give water plenty of time to damage your property. Watch for telltale signs such as lower water pressure, discolored water, or staining on your walls.

Sewage Backup

While you might prefer to avoid sewage in your day-to-day life, tree roots enjoy easy access to sources of water and fertilizer. Tree roots will often grow into and clog drain lines, which causes the sewage to back up and results in water damage in and around your home.

These clogs will often affect multiple drains. If you flush your toilet and hear gurgling coming from the shower drain, you may have a sewer clog. To prevent tree roots from finding their way into your sewage lines, you can install metal or wood barriers running vertically by the lines. Make sure they are buried 6-12” deeper than the pipe.

Toilets and sewer lines can also clog after someone flushes inappropriate items down the toilet. Make sure everyone in your home knows to avoid flushing feminine hygiene products, rags, cotton balls, paper towels, baby wipes, diapers, etc. If it’s not toilet paper, don’t send it down the toilet.

Broken or Malfunctioning Appliances

As water heaters, washing machines, and dishwashers age, they can develop rust, leaks, and cracks. Even a small trickle of water can cause damage over time. Keep an eye on your machines as they get older. Watch for any decreases in performance, and inspect the appliances regularly.

These are a few of the more common causes of water damage. The truth is, wherever there is water in your home, there is a potential for damage if something goes wrong. At SERVPRO® of East Lansing/Haslett, we know how to fix water damage at the source of the problem. Using our experience and training, we offer long-term solutions to make your home “Like it never even happened.”

We know that water problems can occur at any time, which is why we offer 24-hour emergency service.

If you find signs of water damage in your home, don’t hesitate to call us at 517-999-0789.

Spring Flood Tips

2/15/2017 (Permalink)

Act fast to mitigate your flood loss.

 While we've still got 4 weeks of winter left, Michigan's unpredictable freezing and thawing can lead to an early spring in an under-prepared basement. Following these tips can help reduce the impact spring floods have on you and your property.

Advance Preparation
Prepare in advance with a SERVPRO® Emergency Ready Profile® (ERP). Our convenient mobile app stores all your utility and emergency response information in one place, so you can access this information from your smartphone or computer.

Watch for Pooling Water 
Look for places around your property where water pools, and channel it away from buildings. Make sure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and they are directing water as intended.

Maintain Sump Pump 
If you have a sump pump, check to be sure it is operational before water starts rising. Consider a back-up generator to ensure your pump works when you need it most. Contact your insurance agent to add coverage in case your sump pump fails. 

Raise Storage Goods 
Use shelving and/or pallets to keep storage items off the floor to reduce the impact of small floods. In many situations, raising boxes just a few inches will be enough to keep storage goods above the water line. 

Cut Power if Necessary 
As rising water approaches the level of electrical outlets, you risk having a live current flow through all the water. Cut the power if you can safely do so without standing in water. Otherwise, evacuate and contact an electrician to cut the power before you go back in for recovery.

Keep Storm Drains Clear
If you see water pooling around a storm drain, the drain may be clogged with debris. Clearing the debris will help keep the water flowing away from your neighborhood.

Consider Flood Insurance 
Homeowners insurance will not cover floods; you must purchase a separate policy for flood protection. When all else fails, flood insurance will provide you the means to respond to a catastrophic flooding event.

Be Aware on the Road 
Be careful when driving during spring storms, especially when you hear flash flood warnings. Never drive into fully submerged roadway. The water surface will be at the same level as the pavement you can see. This view can deceive you into thinking the water is shallow because you cannot see how the road dips under the surface. 

Act Fast 
When a flood happens, you need to act fast to dry out any wet items, particularly structural materials like walls and flooring. Call SERVPRO® of East Lansing / Haslett at 517-999-0789 to extract water and mitigate any mold growth. Our franchise professionals have the training and experience to make flood damage “Like it never even happened.”